Cover Reveal! What Lies In Darkness is a collection of short stories contributed by attending authors for the upcoming Authors In The Haunted City signing event. We're releasing it on April 4th, and it is available right now for preorder on Amazon.
What Lies In Darkness will be available for the next six months leading up to the event on September 30th. It is a charity anthology, and we are donating all profits from the sale to local Wilmington, NC charity Canines For Service. From their website:
Canines for Service provides Veterans from all conflicts with service-connected mobility challenges, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Military Sexual Trauma with highly trained service dogs at no cost or promotional consideration.
This is an incredible charity, and this whole project has been a blast to work on. I can't wait to read the other stories in the book and see what kind of money we can raise for this great cause.